I Made These: fulfilling a goal and tapping into the creative process

At the end of last year and then again a week later at the beginning of this year, I wrote about my goals for 2014.

Not resolutions, goals.

Some I have not met. But that’s the point of goals, they are something to work toward. I did not write, for example, “be it resolved that I will start running again.” Which is good, because I haven’t actually started running again. It’s a goal to do so, though, and it’s never far from my mind.

As far as the other goals go, I haven’t done too badly.

There is one in particular that I have taken on wholeheartedly, followed through, and achieved.

I wanted to try something new and fun while I was still off work. Something that I would never usually have time for, something that would seem beyond the realm of what I would usually do. And I did.


I have written about it a bit, although mostly about the trip our class took to see the rare books at Ottawa’s National Art Gallery.

Today, I’d like to write about the class itself and the books I made. There is one final class next week but, as I will be heading off to South Africa this weekend, I will be missing that one. I will finish the final project when I return, though.

Over the past several months, I have learned to design and assemble books with a precision and beauty that I never would have expected.

I have surprised myself.

Each one is different, and the three hours a week I have spent on the third floor of the Ottawa School of Art for the past 2 1/2 months have provided me with an outlet I didn’t realize I needed. An outlet for creating with my hands and an outlet for a different type of artistry than I am used to. It has been rewarding to discover that I can, that I enjoy and that, every now and then, I need to stretch beyond the art of writing.

I have learned so much, especially from our excellent, skilled and artistic teacher, but also from the other students in the class. Each one has brought a very distinct personality and style into the room and into the creative process.

It’s a bit like writing with prompts; everyone gets the same prompt but what they do with it is wonderfully diverse and unique. And each interpretation then expands all the others’ creative ideas.

I’m so glad I dedicated my time and energy to this project and I’m thrilled that I now have the skills to make a variety of books whenever the feeling strikes.

I’m also thrilled that I now have a collection of lovely books, which I made, to use for my writing:





11 thoughts on “I Made These: fulfilling a goal and tapping into the creative process

  1. Beautiful books. I’m so glad you enjoyed the class. Have a great time in South Africa and when you return I’m sure you’ll have more ideas for new books.

    • Thank you so much Mary. Truly. I meant every word I said 🙂 And you were too quick – I’ve now linked to your blog as I had originally intended.

  2. Absolutely stunning. I’m so glad that you took yourself on this particular adventure – it seems to have been so lovely and wonderful a self-gift – and bonus for us – we get to share it with you through your posts! Are you taking one or another with you on your trip? What a lovely skill to have. 🙂

    Hope you have a wonderful time abroad and that you have the chances to explore and enjoy and translate it into “work in progress” for yourself 🙂

    • Thank you Pat for your very kind words 🙂 I’m quite sure that some time relaxing by the sea – with yoga and a sauna! – will be hugely beneficial.

      I am indeed taking one of the books with me – the leather journal. I sort of wish I’d made it smaller now, but I think it will be great to get back to writing with pen and paper.

      • I’m glad that you’re looking forward to your trip.Despite the sacrifices by way of decisions having to be made, I think it’ll be a wonderful way for you to recharge yourself some more. And yes, I can bet that you’ll feel differently putting pen to paper – but sometimes that “direct connection” is just what’s needed, even if we don’t realize the power of it.

        Hope you have a great time and enjoy yourselves. 🙂

        Have a great weekend and super trip!

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